ULA Box Set: Get the 8 Zinebook Series WAY CHEAP!

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Title: ULA Box Set

Collect all 8 ULA titles, and get a passle of AllStar hero-author trading cards, for one low ZINEBOOK price of…


(I’ll throw in postage, too, in the USA.)

Reg. list price $115. So that’s like 70% off!

Each title has its own entry lower on the webpage, but here they are listed:









(If you want more than one of any title, just let me know in the PayPal message box or in an email—to jeff@ulapress.com—and I’ll send you a PayPal invoice for the extras—at the same 50% off rate.)


So you’re a fan of the ULA, those wacky agitators for relevant, fiesy Lit.

And you want a matching set of ZINEBOOKS or zeens.

Well, you’ve come to the right place!

Yes, I’m calling these books “zeens.” They aren’t normal books—they’re up from the streets—just like zines were. And, really, they aren’t like other books you’ve read, so why call ’em books? They sure aren’t novels. Well, they are, but sometimes people forget that there aren’t any rules with novels—they think they’ll get something straight with a “novel.” These are the kind of books you’ve been PREVENTED from reading. They haven’t been “good enough” for you, according to fancy NYC editors. Their writers have all been called “not writers” by the authorities. Even so…when regular folks have read them they sometimes call them their favorites. There’s a disconnect here! Between old gatekeepers and old words…and new readers and new words. So they’re now ZEENS! These zeens are something new, for a new century. The means of production and distro is more direct. This is the Internet Age, after all. The spirit of DIY and zines have led to this new ZEEN category. (FYI, this is a play on a King Wenclas idea.)


Learn more about each title in the main ULA PRESS section of the website. (Click on the Literary link in the Products area in the lefthand menubar, on other words.)

Now, I know you’re saying, “But I read for free now. I’m too busy for books, or zeens, or whatever. I read for work. I read blogs. A few mags and local tabloids for fun. Occasional airport stuff. The news at Yahoo. I listen to a little NPR…and Fox…and watch some on TV, too.”

Yes, we’re all post-literate today. Plot isn’t what it once was. But what does being post-literate mean to your life? What does fun mean today? How to find out? You can’t get that from a blog. You get cleverness and mission-specific stuff from blogs. That’s free. You don’t get a feel for what your culture is, now. And you sure can’t get this kind of zeen writing that we have here. And you sure can’t help directly support writers who are homeless because they’ve dedicated their lives to their art. Literally. Not in a teaching kind of way.

I know that most of us are used to doing things halfway or close to how we’d like them, good enough. If we’re writers at heart we’re content to be teachers. That’s the only job open. If we’re writers we’re content to edit tech manuals. It’s the only job.

But a culture needs a few explorers, witnesses, real scientists, who dare to step outside and report back on what they see.

I understand that our natural desire is to punish them. It’s classic. From all time. Don’t worry: they’re punished. They accept their lot. They’re happy. They’ve made the best of it. They have something to offer that doesn’t remind you of something else. It’s new! How’s that for rewarding!

But do dare to buy their books. Zeens.

Be the first on your block.

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