World’s Best Dog: Skeeter

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World’s Best Dog: Skeeter

A guy wrote to me with a list of questions about Skeeter after I claimed that he was the world’s best dog.

To World’s Best Nut:

*Who is WBD?

Skeeter. A “cherrier”. A big little dog who combines all important big dog qualities in with all important little dog qualities to yield WBD as result. See article on pg. 22 of OYB issue #8 enclosed.

*Is this your dog?


*Is it okay to say your dog?

Yes. My family and I get ‘contact’ coolness from him, thus he has to be ours. He’s not yours!

*Did you bestow title of WBD on WBD?

Yes. Well, actually these things are revealed not invented.

*If so, why?

As a result of popular pressure and inner knowledge. He has attended many human events with such a style that many people have spontaneously declared him WBD. It had to become official or we’d face trouble.

*What makes WBD WBD?

Air of royalty. He’s only American dog allowed in stores and restaurants, no one dares to object.

*Did WBD perform any acts of charity, poise or agility to qualify?

Yes. He runs in fast circles with royal verve. He gets frisky sometimes. He makes people laugh. He leans against people to be nice, snuggles up, curls up in their lap. He is a powerful healer. He doesn’t strain against the leash when being walked.

*Is he a she?


*Is he a breed?

No. Chihauhau and terrier mix. We think. He was a freak pound pup who we acquired when he was 6 inches long. He came from a litter of black poodles. Runt. Outcast. No stone to lay his head.

*Is he small?

Yes. 15 pounds, calf high.

*Has WBD caught a frisbee?

No. But he has carried a stick high. He has no skill except for running in circles and leaning and healing. He wishes he could pull a fully loaded dogsled, but he can’t so he leads the way or

rides on top or gets cold and has to be carried inside a coat. (The other dog we have pulls the 200-pound dogsled. See article in zine. She’s “World’s Best Dog In Training”, very beautiful, already gets much public adulation—even with royalty years away.)

*Is WBD hard to get along with?

Yes. He has standards. If you pass the test, you are more content and are healed.

*Does he dislike cats?

Only if they push him too far, then he gives them a good scare. Deep voice delivered alarm-style or sometimes beagle style.




Same. Will nip.

*Is WBD hyperactive?

No. He quietly leans or snuggles against whoever he’s with. But he does get the shakes.

*Is this a bad thing?

His shakes makes people fear for him, drawing out their sympathy, healing them even more.

*Why is WBD’s portrait so arresting?

It’s in the eyes, knowledge and color. His horizon is equally arresting. As is his shadow.

*Are you attempting mind control?

Truth captures all.

*How many people have enquired about WBD?

We have received an homage of art. Several mentions. One declared it World’s Best Ad. Everyone who meets him enquires about him the rest of their life. In daily life, he heals many who simply touch him. Many people laugh, many children point.

*Has anyone mistaken WBD for the name for your publication?


*Does this dog perform in dog shows?

Only one man shows. But he did attend the recent 100th centennial show of the UKC, and he did parade the grounds. Even in the crowd of a thousand champion dogs, it was clear that he was WBD. Several people commented on this. One person who knew this commented on it loudly before a roomful of judges!

He’s 12 years old.

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