Trailer trip went fine!

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Trailer trip went fine! Old trailer works great!

Well, our cute old 16′ trailer worked just fine on its maiden voyage. It hadn’t been used in years and we’d never used a trailer, but the water, toilet, shower, closed-system ammonia frig, propane, battery, electronics, awning all worked perfect!

It’s a 2700-lb Cover Wagon trailer we just bought from an old lady for $1K. It has the most beautiful blonde birch plywood interior we’ve ever seen anywhere. Blue enamel stove, frig, sink. Lots of storage room.

Only one problem seems to be lots of tongueweight. By design. The axle is rear of center. In the strong wind driving north in our big Ford truck the tail tried to wag the dog a few times. Anyone know about this? It has 300 lbs tongueweight. I stacked wood at the back and moved spare tire from tongue (!) to back, too, to give 200 lb.


I cured the tongue wag on the next trips by using the load levelers and I also installed an anti-sway bar. No sweat!


I bring tons of stuff whenever we go camping these days. Here’s the outline of what goes into and with the trailer: tandem, roadbike, mt-bike, recumbent (on backrack and car roofrack); solo race canoe and small, gorgeous tandem cruiser canoe (Mad River Malecite); canoe sail rig; mask/snorkle/fins; bunch o’ fishing stuff; 5-wheel low-leather inline skates; boots/shoes galore; 20 books/mags; binocs. Martha brings her sketch stuff. Maybe we’ll have a nice hi-fi and chinese lanterns for the trailer.

Hey, I gotta get packing!

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