Jeff’s Star Dream

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Jeff’s Star Dream

With friends Jon March and Corrine, I’d make an effort of will at night and go flying up to the stars with a swimming motion. We’d push and pull off of something and make our way through the night sky. Sometimes not too high above tree level.

But then I realized that method wasn’t good enough, so I’d push up through the center of a tall building, through a bunch of stories, past busy people, not getting in their way, gaining momentum, until I popped out the roof and up to the stars. It was cool to swing on by the clouds, planets and stars. It felt very homey, warm, natural, like it was all equally close, like I was at home and surrounded by life. I was going fast enough to be able to swoop through the galaxy with ease.

Then someone bad came after me and I could hardly get above the tree tops. I was pushing off of broken tree tops.

Then I went to a church and knew I had to visit the preacher. I got by his security guards. He was a glitzy, famous, show-biz type, who was just about ready to do his big sermon broadcast extravaganza. He was going to tell me to get lost when I caught his eye and he said “You must go. You know how. But you have to leave something behind.” So I left behind a mirror. Then I went up through the floors of the tall church, through the roof and POW! I zoomed out farther than ever, out through the whole galaxy. Entire spiral galaxies spun away. All of a sudden I didn’t want to go so far away. I went in a big circle, trying to keep my eye on our galaxy, but I lost it! It got mixed in with all the others. It was very scary!

Then I got tangled up in something and held back. I think it was a map. It sprung me back to earth. Then I was in that church again. Martha went to the fancy service, but I stayed in the lobby, writing down this dream. This church was a real social scene. My old pal Gus was there. All the snobby conservative people were excited inside. A TV was on in the lobby showing the performance. They were all learning about pyramid power, thinking it was something new, religious and hopeful for them. It was the very thing that they usually laugh so much about, but now they were falling for it.

Interpretation and feelings afterward:

The feeling of being at home in the dark starry sky and galaxy was supremely satisfying, fulfilling and pleasurable. A marvelous discovery. I would hope everyone could have this feeling sometime. I think I had this dream because I don’t get out at night under the stars enough anymore. Also, because I’ve been reading about the Ray of Creation, where all life from the galaxies down to microbes is connected in a developmental and dimensional way, and that higher human fulfillment connects with jumps from earth to planets to sun to stars. I got a taste that this is true. Then there’s the 3 stages of awakening represented. First, by using natural powers-trees-I got only a little height. And I was vulnerable to being chased and handicapped, because the supports weren’t very strong. Second, by using man’s creations-buildings-I got far more height and great comfort. Third, by using a religious structure and leaving my ego behind I got the highest of all, so high that I was lost. Each time, I came home, however. But the last time I needed a map. Each time, I used structures for my own purpose, not their intended outward purpose. In fact, I was able to get help from a charlatan and I was able to use the church of charlatans. Even he knew more than he let on to his customers. The fear of the void that has no landmark maybe relates to the ultimate dark night of the soul I’ve been reading about, that one has to willingly enter and remain in, but not try to control. This is where we have to admit that we need help to get out and help to get back. But it’s supposedly a better state than before and leads into more glorious states. However, it was scary enough that I wouldn’t recommend it. But it seemed more like a ‘must.’ However, maybe it was a mistake or partly a message that I went farther than human potential can deal with: our potential is great, but not infinite: mind your own business, stars are far enough.

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