Happy Factory Dream

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Happy Factory Dream

I’m in a factory with a lot of diverse people. They’re serious but cheerful. The boss is around. We’re working on getting out a shipment of new product and everyone is proud, the boss, too, of how we figured out how to get the job done. It was the usual order plus an order for this extra stuff. But how to make the extra stuff? One guy figured it out. It was a case of rough’n’ready engineering that worked. OK, you take the metal from a car wheel rim, then put it in the stamper, then extrude it to such’n’such then there ya go! It works! Everyone cheered. We can fill the order! It made me see that factories are kind of living things. They have materials and they get business, but it’s not always the same. There are special requests, so they have to look at their materials and see if they can fill the order. If they can, they win. At some point there was a celebration. Maybe over the filled custom order. The boss had a rock band brought into the factory and everyone was singing and dancing while they worked. The boss didn’t seem greedy. And the workers didn’t seem to be against the boss. The workers knew that if they filled the orders like pros they could have jobs. The boss took care of his workers so he could have a job. There were worries and stress, but also solutions and relief and minor victories that everyone shared in.

The End.

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