Gun Injury Stats

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Gun Related Stats

I recall that we had something like 44 kids killed by guns last

year in the US who were not participating in felonies at the time.

Meaning, actual innocent kids getting killed due to play or possibly

including kids as murder victims (or maybe it was just fatal accidents).

Accidental gun fatalities for kids went down by ~55% from ’74>’87.

Below are some stats. Feel free to add better ones! …JP


From the US Statistical Abstract:

All Accidental Gun Deaths



(accidents in general are down drastically; housefires, too;

car fatalities are down a little, but miles driven have doubled, so

death rate is WAY down.)


From US NCHS 1990 and earlier (from Gary Kleck book, ‘Point Blank’):

Children’s Fatal Gun Accidents (ages 0-14)




From US Consumer Prod Safe Comm:

Ranking of all emergency room visits: 1–stairs, 2–5 everyday sports

equipment, 35–gymnastics equip, 36–all guns, 37–doors/panels, 38–hammers.

Age adjusted freq and severity index: 40–bikes, 20–foods, 20–cars,

13–football equip, 2.7–nonpres drugs, 2.4–firearms, 2.4–fireworks, 2.4–bb guns,



Deaths by gun, by age, 1980 (Natl Centr for Health):

age 1-9 — 119

age 15-19 — 690

age 55-95 — 195


Geography of Fatal Gun Accidents:

Towns under 10,000 population — 60%

over 250,000 — 12%


NOTE: I’m not sure that victim felony activity has been separated

out from the above stats.

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