Drink Water….Lose Weight! Easy!

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Drink Water, Man! It’s Easy and It Helps!

Just a tip I thought I’d pass on: a health care lady the other day asked if I was drinking a gallon a day of water now that it was winter and I said Huh? Apparently it’s the cause of lots of dry skin and body aches and pulls. So I gave it a try.

It was odd the first day forcing a gallon down the pipe a funny thing happened, which coincided with what someone once told Martha: “Wake up your thirst!” All of a sudden it was easy to drink a gallon.

Then a few more surprises: I didn’t want to drink coke at all anymore and hardly as much beer or coffee. Kinda fits nice with my need to lose a couple inches around the waist! Also my runny nose of the last 10 YEARS went away! I’ve been a hanky addict and haven’t hardly used it since. Also, no more chapstick. So that’s my report. Maybe water can help you, too! To see if you’re really drinking, fill a gallon jug in the morning and see for yourself what you really drink in a day. I find that if I slip below a 1/2 gal that my runny nose comes back.

Rick Barnes replied:

>>Just a tip I thot I’d pass on: a health care lady the other day asked if I was drinking a gallon a day of water

Water is important to me when I am doing a lot of hiking. During the August trip along the Eastern Sierras I was gulping a lot of water to keep going.

Breakfast would include two weak cups of herb tea or a few glasses of soy milk–doesnt spoil as quickly. Then it was several cupfuls while changing socks and boots and making the final equipment check. During most all-day hikes I would carry and consume 3 quarts of water on the trail. At the return to the trail I would celebrate with a iced can of Kerns fruit juice, usually pear or peach. On one hot day two thrashed individuals offered me $5 for a can of juice becuase they had no water left, none in the car, and they were hurting.

Back at camp I found myself drinking several more glasses of water. It must work since my muscle soreness was low and my stamina held out.

Of course, the co$t of water is great too!!

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