Cornering fun for when you run

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Cornering fun for when you run

I’ve been trail running with worn out shoes in slippery conditions.

A fair likeness of skiiing. I notice a couple things about my favorite

topic, cornering.

In cycling, you corner by *leaning* or by keeping yourself upright

and *steering* (as in a crit, so you don’t scrape or lose traction).

Seems a little similar to skiing. And ice speed skating.

I sometimes get in trouble while skiing due to losing an inside edge.

Coming into a turn I step forward and bank hard and plant an inside

edge on the inside, like I’m starting a cross-over. Bad idea in skiing.

Maybe it’s only bad in classic skiing. It might be how you do a skate

turn, to an extent, but it’s not right for a STEP turn.

A step turn is more like a STEERED turn.

Which brings me back to running. When I come bombing into a corner,

I’ll land on the inside of my inside foot. If it’s slushy, I might start

to slip. –Feet flying out, landing on outside of inside knee. However,

one can also do a quick change-up and get the body more upright.

This seems to start to force you to take a wider turn. To offset that

you turn your upright body sharper to the inside. You keep running.

Keep feet pointed to inside of turn. You might even be sliding at this

point, but you’re not falling. You may even slide offcourse, but you

stay upright, ‘tires’ spinning. It’s a fun way to corner. I like blasting

thru a running corner with my torso pointed inside tighter than my

line of travel. Even when running it seems like it starts out like a skating

cross-over. And ends up like a dirt bike peeling out thru a turn.

It reminds me of the STEP turn in XC. You bomb into the turn then

twist your torso into it and step. Your edges take a lot of heat.

You also have to reach in with the pole. Your tips want to go

wide but you have to torque them in.

I don’t know. It’s all fun stuff.

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