Winter Trekking: the Forum with the Snow Skilz

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Here’s a website that has two cool sides to it. Firstly, it’s a hardcore guide to everything practical and sensible in winter outdoor fun. They stress reliable, useful, versatile. Next, it’s a Forum where folks can swap their insights and stories about same.

This is the only site, so far, that I’ve found that really digs into TOURING SKIS, giving them the natural respect that this MOST POPULAR of all types of skiing deserves! The Guide part of the site really covers the range of touring skis and equipment out there and what it’s like to really USE it all and use it HARD like you do.

But they don’t stop there. This is also the ONLY site that gives WOOD SNOWSHOES the props that we all know they deserve — folks who use em know this, anyway. Newstyle shoes seem best to me in the brushy crust but in the fun fluffy stuff where shoes really come on strong (coz nothing else works AT ALL) then big wood webbies are where it’s at. And these folks agrees wit me!

All the rest of the skilz and stuff needed for the cold is covered here, too. And you won’t see no consumerism nowhere.

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