…If we have enough snow, that is. But we usually do. The brutal organizer will usually drop the flag if there’s anything out there to scruff around on. And we’re supposed to get a dump or two before then.
16 miles. The technical Potawatomi Trail near Pinckney. Start time 10 a.m. with a half-hour neutral lap warm-up build-up to mayhem. Expect 3-4 hours on the trail. Bring food and drink. Protection may be advised. Roots, rocks, drops with no bail-outs. It’s good to have skied it before. Or at least biked it.
It’s a great time, great scenery, great hills. What they call “epic.” Finishers are winners. No rules, no fees. 6th Annual.
It’s kinda like the Birkie distilled into 16 miles but with a similar time-frame as the Birkie. Maybe it’s a bit like a trials Birkie. A singletrack technical Birkie.
Rock skis advised. Grooming, what grooming?
Party in the parking lot apres-ski, courtesy Jiffy Mix.