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[This is the text and some still-pics of the Big Movie Event ski outing.]
It was a gloomy, rainy day. The night before we got a half inch of fresh snow over unstable, icy crust. I haven’t been able to ski for the past week hardly. The crust hasn’t been strong enough for the great “spring” “fly anywhere” skiing we get here in the late season. (Hey, this is only just mid-late season! It’s not late at all! I protest!)
[But we had a great ski anyway! Check out the YouTube vid above, in the other article, that we made of our adventure!]
In truth, I’ve been a bit tired. It seems like the nasty cold that’s been keeping our kids down has been chipping away at me. Or maybe it’s just all the joyous skiing I’ve been doing every day for the past month. Still, tired or not it’s nice to get a little skiing in.
My bro and I hadn’t been able to get out much together this year. And he was going to be free a bit this afternoon. So we went out anyway, despite the gloom for a little wacky ski photo/video experimenting.
Darn, it’s amazing how much fun you can have even in bad conditions.
We went to East Gate Park near our house on the Red Cedar River.
We rigged up the helmet cam. I took a few sequences with it a couple times before my bro came out. Then he tried it on and taped me. Then he thought of strapping on the helmet *backwards* and taping me skiing behind him, frontwards. Then he took some stills. And we had a blast.
It’s amazing how much fun Michiganders can have on a grey, rainy, snowy, icy day.
My bro has been skiing quite a bit, too, but, poor lad, I heard him breathing a bit hard a few times. I think my old Rocket Rossi’s were about twice as fast on the glide as his lead sleds. He reminded me that he was carrying the pack, too, with the oh-so-heavy camera in it… : )
We are maybe going to go back and get some footage starring my bro, for a change.
The trail was chewed up, crusty and narrow. But it had a little quietening layer of fresh snow on the top. It all worked out dandy. Here are some stills. I’m going to try to learn moviemaking skills tomorrow and put up a little something special, if I can.

Flying along the flat

V1 power off the left, as they say

…with a glide-side right, if you follow

Around that downhill corner!

Then back up again

The beech is a lovely tree.