Today’s digicams are amazing. The same goes for the fancy iPhones and such. You hightech people probably know all this stuff better than I do. The problem is that they’re fragile, right? Well, there are a few neat options out there now to help. First, you could buy a new Olympus waterproof, shockproof wide-angle digicam for $250—sounds cool to me! But for the stuff you already have, you can cut your worries in half by slapping a “skin” on it. You probably already have. I’m the last to know about this kind of thing. For instance, this article links to the “Delkin Snug-It, Silicone Digital Camera Skin” on Amazon, for the Canon digicams. I bought a black version for my sd800. I think the white might be better—it looks like you can read the camera controls thru it. On my black one the controls are written in raised writing but it’s still not so hot. Anyway, these skins protect a cam from dirt and dust and probably a fair bit of moisture and bangs and knocks. It came with a plastic LCD protector as well. Neat! (I got mine after seeing Joey’s—he’s a gung-ho photog.)
Protect Your Fragile DigiCam with a “Skin”