Living a Long Life—(moderns suck at this)

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Living a Long Life—(moderns suck at this)

To live long you must start by thinking long. How would you live and think if you were going to live, say, 120 years? Would you be ‘over the hill’ by age 30 or 40? What would your personal development path look like? Would you be feeling despair in your middle years? Huh? What would be your middle years? OK, would you feel a little start of despair at say 35 years of age? How about your physical health? Would you start to slide at age 30? Get a gut? Start drinking or living a little more corrosively after your teen years?

Basically, to live long, you’d have to divide up your life differently, think of it differently. What would the different parts be for? For how long?

It seems like you’d look at all aspects differently. You’d have a new and very much stronger sense of moderation, or of ‘all things pass’. Why get carried away about something that will only last 30 years? Why get gray and haggard about one little career project? It seems you might take a longer view in every way. What would be the point of fun? Or of killing time? You would then have so much of it, killing time in any way could get real old. You’d be sure to have a good, enduring way to live dialed in…in order to live…a long while.

It seems like the modern way to live is designed to be hardly any longer than a product’s lifecycle. Then we blink and realize we’re still here and have to find a new reason to go on. This is not a long view.

Moderation. Doing what is necessary. No more no less. Why do anything else?

Weight gain? If you’re slowly gaining weight, adding an inch every year, what does that say for someone who will live 120 years? A bad start. Wrong path, wrong orientation.

A long life will be a properly functioning life. No more no less than what you need.

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