Lessons for Life

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***Lessons for Life***

As relate to The Fifth Way and the Michigan Institute of Existential Metapsychology….

The more you know the less you know.

You’re responsible for what you know.

Work on 3 lines—self, school, others.

Read 3 times to let something sink in: once as a newspaper, once as if aloud to a friend, third in study.

Don’t attach.

Come every week, don’t read ahead.

Fun is the worst.

Don’t let your right hand know what the left is doing.

Meditation is thinking but not about anything sensory—detached.

Prayer is state of detachment.

Turn the ego away from reward.

Patience is what you practice when irritated.

The more you know, the higher you get, the harder it gets, the riskier.

Ego tries to take over everything.

Spirit becomes invested in things and then becomes very energetic and fascinating.

Passion makes you passive, captures you.

Reality appears as a ‘dark night’ because senses are unreal, limited, you need to turn away from them.

Reality isn’t a thing or a fact or place. It’s relationship.

Everything is naturally good. We make mistakes and take the means (things) for ends (Good).

Evil is illusion. It’s not real.

Demons are tendencies. Forces toward confusion.

The more unity in a concept, the higher it is—it includes ever more of daily life.

Things are symbols, reflections, aspects…they don’t really exist…they need burning away, purifying, elevating.

Dialog is good for growth—thesis, antithesis and synthesis.

Moderation and necessity are good guides.

The cure is worse than the ill for us moderns. We just fix symptoms. Disease gains power.

Balancing obsessions is wrong. Stress reduction via displacement is wrong. First get to right relation.

Plans and expectations are mechanical, formatory, egoistic, illusory: you can’t know where you’re going or what it or you will be like when you get there, especially as you are now.

Guides and Schools and Centers are *concepts* not things, to be used in life, toward unity; no fixation.

To resist is the same as doing.

To see something clearly is to rob it of its power.

Work thru sin, don’t try to avoid it. Confess. We are guilty, we can’t avoid it. Face the abyss. Go.

3 types of logic, all useful, all scientific, all true: paradox, aristotle, dialectic.

Understanding: higher knows the lower but not the other way around.

Do unto others.

Use Reason properly as a tool. Test. Face it. Submit. Some things are wrong, don’t work, are more blind, pointed the wrong way, lower. This can be verified.

Knowledge is more than facts.

Beware opinion.


***As they relate to the Fourth Way***

You can’t know what you need. You need help. But you have to work up to the point where help can come in.

You’re responsible for what you know.

Work on 3 lines—self, school, others.

Read 3 times….

3 centers, 3 levels (same words)—instinct, emotion, intellect.

It helps to get Moving Center involved in a project, so the lesson will sink in better. Actually all 3 Centers need to be properly working for optimum effect.

Types and compatability—astrology.

Do only what you can. Work at your proper scale and level. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Find out who you are, where you’re going next.

Evolution and involution—enneagram. You’re going somewhere and coming from somewhere. It’s as predictable as any other type of natural growth.

We operate under many fixed laws. Proper use of choice, proper growth, frees us from laws gradually, according to a natural pattern.

Progress is not linear, obvious, isolated or random.

Many I’s—we’re not ourselves. Have to learn who we are.

Self-remembering—develop skill of observation.

Don’t express negative emotion: keep this energy for better use.


We need shocks to wake us up.

People can help each other by shocking each other, if requested.

Use irritation for growth. Friction is necessary.

There’s no good or evil. Everything is automatic. Can’t be helped.

Chief Feature is an obstacle, needs to be seen to be free of, to work with.

What is your goal—test for progress.

Doing certain things gets you certain results. If you want them, do it. Don’t alter formula.

Triads—things come in threes. Every action has 3 parts and 3 effects: affirming, denying, neutralizing.

Build the Kesdjan Body.

Recurrence…if you don’t learn, you’ll do it again.

Wiseacring wastes time. Study the law. Submit to the method. See what you can.

***Martha’s Lessons***

Too much thinking leads to deterioration of brain.

Thoughts become controlled and all actions result in false pretense.

The world becomes a ball of confusion.

Everything has to benefit real life.

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