eBooks Arrive for 5th Way!

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Announcing the arrival of eBooks at FifthWay Press!

Just click on one of the links below in this article or go to the relevant book listings and find an eBook link there as well as a more complete description of each book.

When you click on a link you’ll be billed $3.95 by PayPal and get a coded download link for getting a PDF of your eBook. This file can be viewed in any eBook reader or on any computer or iPod. Handy!

eBooks save trees, paper, postage, shipping, oil, space and money!

Of course paper books still have their place.

Soon I imagine they’ll make a thin, tough book-sized eBook-reader that can hold hundreds of books. Cool! Actually, maybe they’re out there now…

So for you eBook people, here goes!

Oh! By the way, these eBooks are priced at $3.95 for the rest of 2007 in tribute to the first hardcover edition of Jack Kerouac’s “On The Road,” which was priced at $3.95 fifty years ago this year. “OTR” changed the world. Puhek’s book can, too! Well, they work well with the existential, experiential, expanded consciousness that Kerouac was all about. Check ’em out! 5th Way is about philosophy and life studies as they are LIVED FULLY. How many philosophy or religious books give props to Kerouac? NONE! Thumbs up for 5th Way!

True Friendship

From the back cover: “Among the most delightful, rewarding, and beautiful things in life is true friendship. It is the highest form of love between two individuals. Even the bonds of marriage are blessed to the highest degree when a partner is a friend. All friendship is spiritual in the sense that it is based not on what others can do for us, nor on what they are in themselves, but on what they mean to us. It�s the meaning that stimulates the spirit. The quality of the friendship depends on the quality of the spirit, but the quality of the spirit depends in turn on the quality of the meaning. This book explores the highest kind of spirit and the truest form of friendship�and how we can reach them both.”

The Redemption of Love

From the back cover: “Love is the greatest, most enduring, most divine blessing on earth. But love is also suffering, and much of what is done in its name makes it appear to be a curse. The Greeks celebrated love in the form of gods such as Aphrodite and Eros; the ancient Christians said, “God is love.” As both indicate, love is a powerful spiritual principle in our lives, but any spiritual principle can be corrupted and its power transformed into a malignant force. “The Redemption of Love” seeks to answer how love gets corrupted and how it can be purified and freed to serve its natural function of rescuing human life and redeeming the world.”

Killer Competitiveness

From the back cover: “”Killer Competitiveness” accounts for how it is possible for us today to exist so long under meaningless conditions without realizing it. So empty is life without meaning that it could continue only with the help of an extremely powerful illusion. This compelling illusion is generated by competitiveness in nearly everything we do-even in our supposed efforts to cooperate or function independently. Competitiveness generates the illusion of value. Therefore, we do not see the valuelessness of our lives even as we suffer from it.”

Stephen of the Holy Mountain

An inner journey, outwardly masking itself as a sojourn up the side of a high mountain, “Stephen of the Holy Mountain” seeks answers to the most perplexing questions that come to those who have awakened from the sleep of ordinary existence. The mysterious figure of Stephen acts as a guide both to the author and to many others who climb Stephen’s mountain to find him. His advice is often too harsh for many who think they seek it. Unfailingly kind, however, Stephen does his best to aid all who come to him.

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