Baby’s First Memory, Cosmic

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Baby’s First Memory, Cosmic

On Sun, 16 Oct 1994 wrote:

> having my 1.75 yeat old son (who’s now 4) sit with me

> one night and as an answer to my inquiry

> re: from whence he came, to inform me first

> that he came from space…

> well how’d you get here?

> >first it was all black… then i went down, down, down

> then it got red and then i came out (with a breaststroke

> hand motion) into life…

> well, where’s your life now?

> >in my tummy…

> is your life anywhere else?

> >yeah

> where?

> (with every word bringing his face closer

> in small increments towards my face):

> >in…

> >my…

> >dreams…


Reminds me of an anecdote I read a couple of months ago concerning the three-year old daughter of agnostic parents. Upon the arrival a baby brother the girl insisted on being put in a room alone with the newborn. The parents, filled with dark fantasies of sibling rivalry, resisted, at first, but then consented. They then burst into the room to find the girl shaking the baby and demanding, “Tell me about God. I’m forgetting everything.”

Dan O.

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