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Motorcycles don’t have to be monstrous to be cool. Do they.
Here are pics and links to a bunch of motos that have small engines and lightweight components. Many have pedals.
You know I’m down with this kind of moto, having posted about it many other times before. Small, cheap, speedy — far range, superhigh gas mileage, stylish. What’s not to love? Of course they’re not smooth at highways speeds but why not kick it down a notch. Not all riding has to be fast. Quick jaunts and romantic (slow) tours have their place.
Here are links to flickr-streams where I got the following pics: (malaguti) (mv augusta)
…The last link is to really cool, pro euro-motos which can’t be downloaded.
Here’s a hip new event showing the vibrance of the new DIY-style moto scene: It’s the old Detroit Dorais velodrome, turned into multi-modal party pit. All kinds of bikes and mini-motos race here at a big annual event. (I used to do bike track racing there! Even a Madison once. Glad I did! It wasn’t much smoother then, either.) Rats, the latest event was Sept. 11 — missed it! Well, here’s a video to show the fun that went down:
Detroit Thunderdrome from Matt Dughi on Vimeo.

A Durkopp (one of my pal’s great-grampa started this company which made sewing machines, bikes, motos, and more).

Nice little red moto.

Light little motos in the snow. Tasty!

Nice curves!