A Trailer with Vintage Style, New Technology

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Martha saw one of these a couple years ago on a roadtrip in Indiana—it turned out to be parked in their factory parking lot, so she got a tour of the place.

Here’s a tiny vintage teardrop trailer that’s packed with all the hightech a modern traveler might want. Specifically, it’s packed with efficiency, light weight and good insulation. But it also offers plenty of goodies. It’s a trailer you can tow with a modern frameless car, unlike hardly any other trailer today.

These trailers just shout FUN and GOOD TIMES and TRAVEL EASY.

They have a neat, curved, form-fitting awning that tilts out and adds even more pizzazz. I like it that the front storage unit is stipled—to me it gives it a wicker basket look, which is what trailers really are telling us! Trailers are about a picnic way of life.

We went to a hippy music fest last weekend (and had a great time) and saw one there, so I just had to revisit them and put in a plug for them.

Pop-ups are light but they aren’t insulated. There’s something to be said for a hardshell trailer. (Of course, pop-ups have benefits, too.)


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