Zinester Pride

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Zinester Pride

I checked out some mainstream media items during the last week.

What a desert! No wonder ‘culture’ is so cut off from the people

nowadays. What a bunch of pompous pandering! No real person

would touch the stuff. Code up the wazoo. No wonder their market

share is plummeting. But they probably have ever more viciously

loyal fans among the intellectuals, climbers, strainers, or whoever

they are who read this stuff.

*I read a bookstore PR blurb for upcoming readings by Jim Harrison

and ? Lynch at famous area store. –The pagelong blurb was an overt,

smug, self-absorbed dismissal of the EFFECTIVE role of literature in

culture. It really said to the effect that writing doesn’t make a difference

anymore but we still appreciate those writers who amuse us. Total

educated po-mo blurbage to the pride of being a consumer who can

contain all art within himself. Blinders on! Giving up on being affected.

Going gung ho for preciousness with our peers. These readings will

be packed with folks who want to mix with the right people.

*I read a few essays from David Sidaris ‘Naked’. Trite. Pointing

straight down. You can’t get any more cynical. But oh so glib.

Such decoration. With ‘famous’ books like this, no wonder

literature is GHETTOIZED. (Blurb it every day on NPR why don’tcha!)

*I checked out ‘Outside’ magazine. Dang, gotta have a PhD to read

the thing! Hey, probably most of their strainer readers do already.

Anthropology no doubt. More glibness up the wazoo. Total code writing.

Every article reads the same. Man, their stylebook would be fun to

get ahold of. (Hey, I recently saw blurbs from Wired’s stylebook…

interesting to see the culture be led about by its nose by morons.)

Lovely how their writers find these exotic daredevil freak people then

knowingly write about them and absorb them into their consumerist

world. —Another freak to amuse us.

Anyway, those 3 doses were all so knowing and trite.

Helps me understand Munch’s ‘Scream’ painting so much better.

Makes me be thankful for the gift of mail art. With competition

like that, it would be so easy to win the world over to a new

revival of accessible truly democratic folk culture. Basically,

the mainstream has dropped the ball. It’s anyone’s game.

(I’m conveniently forgetting for the moment the fact that they

have the game rigged and that the ghetto is all we zinesters

will get…but there’s way to play that game, too. —Newsletters.

Zines. They get the job done. And have a lot more room to grow.

With a new shot in the arm, the movement could be 100 times

what it has been.)

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