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OK, I thought that things might be interesting in the land of slingshots because I recall some nifty target rigs with stabilizers and such. But when I googled it I had no idea what I would run into.
There’s this guy, Chief AJ, who seems to be a big player in the sling scene. He’s an old dude, but totally buff still. And he’s gungho for hunting and fishing with his slingshots.
He doesn’t seem to use the Wrist-Rocket type with the brace, though I don’t know why not. I haven’t studied it yet. It seems he pulls a strong sling without the aide. (Although now I notice that he does sell an optional brace for his slings.)
He’s developed a little center holder that holds an arrow — and he’s shot two deer and a bear with it. People are hunting with this thing.
He sells his sling with an optional fanny pack and, get this, take-down arrow with broadhead. You can stash the sling, arrow, broadhead, etc., in the little pouch and be ready for action.
He uses an archery trigger-release with the arrow and has an exercise routine he recommends.
There’s also a related and seemingly far-out *flatband* scene. And “natural fork” target shooters. Who knows what is the difference with all these kinds of slings but I suppose it means a lot to those involved. If I gave em a try I just might find out! (More at
The “QB” Quick Bow arrow variant is apparently made by Native Americans in the USA. But his other rig seems to be called a HFX — a “hunting + fishing slingshot.” You can mount a camera or fishing reel to the end. I can’t tell if it’s a stabilizer on it or just a mount.
Chief AJ’s website is a bit primitive, just like him, but let it load and scroll on down. There’s links off of links. You’ll see some things…
(If you get lost in Chief’s site, here’s a simpler place to order:

Hunting slingshot with takedown arrow.

Variety pack.


View of the arrow rig.

Arrow slingin’ kid.

Sling deer.

Wild old slingshotter.