Fishing tip, ahoy! I’ve been fishing a couple times lately and I notice that the fish KINDA like the lure I’ve been using. They hit it PRETTY hard and rather often, basically every bit of water that has fish gets a swirl, tug or kinda-hit. So I keep trying. I’ve landed a few, but I’ve been curious about the half-hearted hits. Thankfully, the fish are crazy enough that they keep hitting if I keep casting and eventually they seemed angered enough that they hit it better — at least I finally do seem to hook ’em. But I thought maybe I should sharpen the hooks. I asked a Fishing Pro pal about it. He had what seems like a great suggestion. I haven’t tried it yet but thought I’d pass it on anyway, before I forget: Try a different color. Same lure. A color change may well make them hit harder and commit. Makes sense, but I didn’t think of it! Or, I suppose maybe a bit smaller or somewhat different lure might be the ticket. Anyway, I’ll start with a color change. I dunno if I have much of a different color — so maybe I’ll look for a little bright red paint and add it as an accent. A little blood in the water… Drive ’em nuts! …Dinner time!
Fishing Tip: Change COLOR If Getting Half-hits