Alert! Slingshots are a Sport…

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OK, I knew there were nice slingshots out there and I even had a vague memory of a model with counterweights for target-shooting fanciness, but last night I was boggled. (So today I googled…)

A stout little elderly lady stopped by a friend’s house where we were having a party in the Detroit area. Among other surprising things we learned about her, she informed us that she was tired because she’d been out late the previous night “at Slingshot.” I thought she was a trouper and meant a local bar. No, she and her husband used to bowl, but after he died she started going to the Slingshot club to shoot slingshots and has been enjoying it ever since. It’s like archery target shooting, she said, only simpler. I imagine it indoors in a smokey venue, with cocktails, just like with bowling and archery. She said they have a steak dinner banquet every year at the end of the season. Hokey pete! Yet another stealth sport hidden away at probably elite levels in Detroit. I tell ya, Michigan is more sports’n’hobby crazy than any other state. We have it all—and champions at it, too.

I had to google this. I’ve looked up slingshot info before but this time I went after championships, tourneys, clubs.

I found: (keep hitting the “Next” button—it’s worth the wait thru the primitive website)

In case you don’t have patience, just try this one:

Anyway, it doesn’t seem like the scene is totally online, but I’m thinking the Canadian faction has likely crossed over to Detroit and that the old folks are having a good ole’ time and not telling anyone about it.

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