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Just as with snow, a lot of people consider rain to be “bad weather.”
It’s great.
Now, sometimes it is bad. It can be dangerous with strong wind, lightning, floods, or overly cold temps. But most of the time it’s not any of that. So there’s no reason to let it slow us down. No, we can let it slow us. Adjust as needed. But figure out how it can work for you to accept it. There is almost always a way. …Wearing the right clothes, carrying dry spares.
And when it’s warm and steady it can be very romantic. Very enjoyable.
On a bike I really like the rain if I’m wearing a CAPE. A rain-cape makes a sort of tent out of the front area of your bike that is facing the rain. Then it lets everything else be breezy and airy. I will definitely overheat in any normal raingear while I ride. So I need a cape. You might be different. Everyone is different: know what the temps to you.
In cyclocross I only adapt to the temp otherwise rain doesn’t matter: it’s part of the fun. It INCREASES the fun! Same w roadbike racing. Or skiing for that matter! Yes, skiing in the rain can be great!
Then there’s dancing in the rain. Can’t beat that. Keeps you cool. Is romantic. (Heck, Ann Arbor has a swing dance in July IN THE RIVER.)
Rain on a tent is romantic, too. Rain against a screen if your house has no AC. The tropics are for everyone!
I did a 50-mile day of solo canoeing once where it rained most of the time. Sometimes really hard, then hardest, then harder, then harder. It rained the hardest I’d experienced — three times over. It made me laugh. “This is the hardest rain ever!” “No, this is!” “OK, now it’s even harder!” Thankfully it was warm. …It did fill my canoe dangerously twice, in about 10 minutes each time.
If you’re doing a race and it rains it’s good if you have better than average handling skills. You can have a big advantage due to skill alone without being any fitter. With skill your odds greatly improve with weather complications. Tolerance helps, too. …But as with any weather event, adjust your gear as desired: add some armor perhaps. You’re more likely to go down. Tho friction and impacts can be reduced due to sliding. So you hopefully can then get back up w/o fuss.
Fussy people might cancel an outing due to rain. Roadies are infamous for this in some areas. (Seattle or the UK probably far less so.) Places where it rains more will see roadies w narrow fenders and jackets. Casual riders could also take pride in NOT canceling their rides if they have basic gear and fenders. Fenders are catching on among tourers and urban riders. Let’s hope for rain for chances to use ’em!
Here are some articles on rain capes:

Nice waxed cotton rain cape: classy. …But use light and blinky!

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