That’s what I’m wondering. This is an educational cause, after all. Sure, I sell some things, but that’s to support the Indie Outdoor culture and heritage outreach. I’ve always thought to just keep the whole thing simple, but maybe going Non-Profit would make the OYB mission clearer to the public. ? I’ve always thought that folks knew when they bought stuff from OYB that it was mostly going to help the Cause of promoting the Indie Worldview. And advertisers likewise would know that an ad here both helped spread the word more widely about their biz AND showed they supported the Little Guy and “modern folkway” missions. With non-profit status, however, folks and biznesses could more readily make outright donations. And I could apply for grants. ? Basically, OYB has never been Fish nor Fowl. It’s a retailer PLUS a resource for 1000+ articles (and growing) on the indie way of active life. Huh? Whoever heard of such a hting? Well, I spose it’s a lot like a School or Museum with a Gift Shop. Your views?