2006 Annual Report: We just prepped our taxes and I’m happy to say that the OYB Empire has survived another year. We’re not financial experts here but to us it looks good that we paid all our bills, made a little profit, didn’t go into debt. Now, we didn’t do much more than that, but that’s pretty good, I’d say. The missus needs a front porch on the house, though. So that’s the next goal. A downside is that the publishing branch of the empire is the least profitable. Martha’s LazyGal recycled scarf operation continues to kick butt on literacy. But I’m determined to revive our post-literate world from its “read for work” stupor! –And to sell more books of a different kind. The race is on! Can books beat scarves? Will the ladies continue to trounce the gents? 2006 is the year of the break-thru! –A new recumbent book edition is coming out in a few weeks. An all-new folding bikes book soon thereafter. Plus the freaked-out ULA Press line will finally launch to revive American literature, finally. (It could be big!) Many other big, wild things are in store! –If enough people think the OYB concept is worthwhile.
OYB, Inc., in the black another year!