Let’s See Your Comments!

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Each of our OYB articles is now followed by a brand new, easy to use “Reader Comments” section, hosted by the 3rd party provider, Disqus. If you have a reaction to the story or had a similar experience or a tip to pass on, please do! (No more tricky registering via my Forum.)

The OYB Forum is probably disabled right now, but really you should feel free to post there, too. It’s a rare place where you can count on folks having the indy DIY spirit across the board in life. If you have tips on bikes, boats, skis…cars, books, restaurants, beer, music, movies…ideas, you can make them all in one place!

There’s really nowhere else that welcomes all these thoughts of yours! Usually, you have to log-in on separate forums, with whole different groups of specialist members. You might see some of the same people pop up in different forums, but the forums themselves are set up to keep us apart.

If you’re reading OYB we all you’ve done nifty things on your own initiative, and that you’ve discovered hard-to-find things that we all can learn from. So please share it! You have a tip, I know you do!


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