The weather is getting nice and yards are being tamed…so it’s potluck time of year!
For this month we’re hosting a potluck every week at our house (yard). People of all ages have been coming over with a dish to pass. Every week has a different theme. This past week was the Talent Show. We had a wide range of entries. We wrapped up the evening with music around the bonfire.
We even found morels around our picnic area!
My brother Tim took most of the following photos…

Lucy painted this nice sign…

Our first guest arrived by bike. 60 miles! Bob hasn’t ridden that far in decades. When he got off his bike and stumbled around we thought he was joking. After a quick refreshment he took a nap.
Getting under way…
More talent!
The talent becomes dangerous with the addition of long range archery in the dark. I shot past the house, from front yard to back—and hit the target every time! 50 yards. Guests hid behind things and got the thrill of whizzing arrow sound to spark up the party a full notch further!
More mayhem!
Quieting down…
Party scene…
Music scene…