Redneck Manifesto

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Redneck Manifesto: a review someone put up on the Net


Redneck Manifesto is part humor, part serious, a

little arrogant, but a whole lot of truth. I recommend it to everyone on

MAM if you want to see some of the economic ‘footprints’ left by the elite

in their past manner of dealing with America’s poor; the ever-present

‘white trash’. His style is designed to shock and provoke, but the

importance of his message justifies such tactics to get the necessary

attention this book deserves. I assure you, the media will do its damdest

to ignore him. I pray they fail.

I hate to do it but I will go chapter by chapter, highlighting some of

his best points, and noting a few shortcomings.

Chapter 1: White Niggers have feelings too.

Here Jim states the obvious that gets no time in our pop culture

anymore, which makes his telling the obvious so much more painful. We

realize the truth of what he says while at the same time wondering how we

could be so blind? Why is it suddenly OK to trash white trash? Why do we

find so much sensitivity to various minorities while its open season on

anyone with a chaw of tobaccow? A very good chapter, and funny as hell,

even if a bit profane.

Chapter 2: Feudal Existence: The roots of Eurogarbage:

Here Jim looks at the history of exploitation that white poor have

endured for millenia and how it was transferred onto our shores. This

chapter is full of interesting tid-bits, like the fact that fewer than 3%

of Englands population was listed as free in 1086, the rest were slaves

known as peasants. He shows how the good ole boy stereo-types actually are

rooted in the mideaval images of Piers Plowman, and the French Jacqes

Bonhomme. The peasant slaves were ruled for their own good, and they were

happiest when ruled by the educated who knew what was better for him.

Sound familiar yet?

Chapter 3: A Quick History of the American White Underclass and the

chapter 4: ‘The View from the Outside: How Rednecks Became Aliens’ is right

on target. The vast majority of early Americans came to this continent as

indentured servants, around 400,000 or more, and another 50,000 came as

convicts of various trivial laws designed to get as many to the colonies

as discretely possible. Some crimes had capitol punishment so that the

unruly of England could be compelled to sign up for indentured servitude

in America. This servitude had a very high mortality, in some cases the

colonial masters had around 85% mortality rates in the first five years

and necessitated the shift to negroe slaves. The white ones just died too

fast. Also some advocated the use of slaves, because, as one wag put it,

the task masters were gentler on their own property than to those in

temporary servitude. As the secret got out that America was not all it was

cracked up to be, some still chose to hang by a rope than go to America as

indentured servants. It was a cleaner death. Altogether, these are two

very good chapters.

Chapters 5-7 are called ‘Workin Hard’, ‘Playin Hard’, and ‘Prayin Hard’

and Jim goes into a bit of cultural analysis of why rednecks are as they

are; so repulsive to the elite of our times. Great material here, but Jim

does give religion a short shrift here. While acknowleging the importance

of faith for some to survive and even excel, he then turns and discards

the whole idea as merely for the weak and cowardly. He does have just

claim that the religious structures of our society have helped to keep the

poor down, but he throws the proverbial baby out with the bathwater. One

can easily keep to those elements of christianity, or any religion, that

is beneficial without subscribing to the entire hierachical claim. Jim

seems too disapointed with what he has seen to even give it a try; I can

hardly blaim him. But things won’t change without faith, and he does do

the working class a diservice by demeaning the beneficience of Faith and

God’s Revelation. Still on the whole, excellent chapters, especially the

various slices of working class life he so weaves into his story. Good


Chapter 8, ‘What’s so bad about Hatemongers, Gun Nuts, and Paranoid,

Tax-Resisting Extremists?’ a must read for milita sympathisers. Here he

makes so many good points, I can’t go into them enough to do him justice.

But I’ll mention a couple. One, he points out that so many distrust the

government for essentially one reason that the guvmint can address

speedily; the guvmint lies its fucking ass off. He lists case after case

of not only right-wing issues the guvmint has lied about, but cases where

other factions have accused the guvmint of lying as well. It is hilarious.

Also he makes the point that the ‘militia-chasers’ are some of the biggest

sycophants, liars, money makers (Dee’s SPLC is one of the wealthiest

charity orgs in the country), and hypocrits in the whole debate, and he

sceweres them without mercy. This is probably, IMO, the best chapter of

the book.

Chapter9 ‘Me and Blacks’ addresses the inter-racial subject, and does

so with wit and an incisive perception as well. He has many points, but

among them is this main one: blacks and poor whites could rule the

democratic roost against the rich if we simply got together and voted

together, and worked together politically. But we are at each others

throat over racial squabbles and perceived injustices. But who has

benefitted from our division? Who has continued to amass greater and

greater wealth while the rest of us sleep in fear of losing what little we

have? In other words, Jim asks when are we going to stop playing the fool

to this racist dichotomy and put the boot in some pampered, rich butt? Jim

shows the history of this process, how it almost succeded in the Populist

movement in the 1890’s, and how the elites put us back on the plantation.

Chapter 10 ‘Several Compelling Arguments for the Enslavement of All

White Liberals’ is funny as hell. He skeweres the Liberal POV again and

again and leaves you wondering, ‘How can so many otherwise intelligent

people, keep falling for this none sense?’ Jim explores the White

Liberals guilt and his craving for cinematic pain as recompense for his

misdeeds, and of his class. Ha, Jim wants to give it to him for real. I

think he is kidding, but the almost Marxist POV Jim sometimes slips into

is disconcerting. I am sure his suggestion is Swiftian, but one gets the

sense that Jim could go along with a little payback.

All in all, I can only politely suggest:


Jim has put so many original arguments and perceptive comments into this book, I

can honestly say that I think he has written a potentially landmark tome.

It all depends on how well the rich-owned media can ignore it.

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