Last week had a record-breaking 103F day. Our 15 x 36 backyard pool saved our butts. It stayed cool in the shade during the whole heat wave.
Now, our yard gets a bit out of hand, what with wood piles getting depleted over the winter and left to ruin in the summer. And the pool itself collapsed over winter. Nobody believed I’d get it back in action, but all it took was a fresh $75 online liner and a lil’ elbow grease.
What I really need for such a big yard is some boats on trailers. Can you help? I need one of each. : )
I have a marvelous end of day or post-ride routine with the pool: I get in and stretch my arms and look up at the blue sky thru the green walnut leaves then I dive in and glide underwater to the other side. It’s a perfect length of glide. Then I do a roll turn and do 3 breaststrokes to the other side then roll again and kick off and glide on my back with a couple backstrokes to the other side again. Then I loll and lounge a bit and maybe sit in a floaty chair with a beer. Then I swoosh a whirlpool ’round and ’round a few times so that all dead bugs and leaves end up in a pile on the bottom in the center to be removed the next time by net and siphon. Bingo. Then all it takes is a cup of chlorine each day and an ounce of algae-killer each week and it stays sparkly.
It does have a weak link — one section of wall is creased and sagging. I plan to drain the pool “any day now” and build up the low section with dirt to compensate for the shorter wall.