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I make myself laugh. What should this new sport of Stand-Up Canoeing be called? Lessee, there’s SUP, Stand-Up Paddle surfing. Which actually doesn’t make much sense. It should be SUPS, shouldn’t it? Anyway, it looks like we’re left with “SUC.” Too bad we aren’t also in punk bands. Hey, you can do it in a wide kayak with a big cockpit, too — so maybe it really should be “SUC&K”…?
So I just can’t hardly stand to sit down in a canoe anymore. I’m not very handy in big waves yet, but on the usual flatwater we have around here, when you stand up you see everything so much better and you get a more all-body workout. So when it’s shallow, I use a pole and when it gets deeper I break out my 6’6” homemade SUC paddle. (Oh, that new name is a tough one…). I still bring my regular paddle along, in case.
Anyway, here’s a video and a couple portrait-type pics that Henry and his pal helped me make on a gorgeous autumn day down the street at the Red Cedar river:

Pic 3

Pic 2

I’m not so sure that a picture is worth a 1000 words… These have a canned look to ’em, sorry. Oddly, they’re technically good, but in a portrait-studio way. I dunno what I was really after, not a “how-to” but not “frozen.” Our neighbor boy did a great job of shooting as I paddled by, so that’s good. Well, someday I’ll show some dyno pics of the action and speed…