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Didja see the big news about the Great Lakes waves last weekend? Oct. 15-16, 2011. They were HUGE.
Check out the “wolf map” for the weekend. (I love the map of Lake Superior. It looks like a wicked wolf, don’t it? Mischievous.) Notice the 25+ foot waves in the SE corner? Whoa! I would LOVE to see some freighter pics or vids from that day. Think any were out there?
Winds were around 60mph in that SE corner.
It seems that coincidentally there was a fatal semi-truck crash on the Mackinac Bridge on Friday. It looks like the driver might’ve died at the wheel, then hit a car, then wedged up against the railing. Only the truck driver was hurt, well, he was DOA, as I recall. Musta been windy on the bridge, of course.
I heard that Lake Michigan was huge, too. There was a surf contest down in Gary on Saturday — so they were ready for it, sounds like.
A little way north, in one of the harbor entrances (Grand Haven or Holland) 3 guys went kayaking, in wetsuits, helmets, PFDs, the works — but only 2 came back. Gulp!
When I was googling around for Superior info I came across a global waves website. It said that Superior had the 2nd or 3rd biggest waves in the world that day. It listed Rockall as first. I wondered what that was. It’s an area near Scotland. I checked out the detailed wave chart and, heck, it looks like a ROGUE WAVE went rolling through right then. Check it out! It’s crazy, right before your eyes. Ya know, until measuring buoys came along they thought that rogues were myth. Pic below, but here’s a link:
Have you seen the video of the Russian boat (I guess) in huge seas? Very dramatic. Excellent feature-quality footage. The overhead view seems like it must’ve been from the crowsnest — couldn’t’ve been a helicopter, right? I suppose the remote view was from a headland? Link:

Rogue wave at Rockall?

Lake Superior wave map, Oct. 15, 2011. What a pretty wolf’s head!