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Salsa Sub 48 — bike party this wkend w 140 folks and 3 kinds of trails and 2 kinds of road. And a secret passage.
That is SIX FRICKIN kinds of riding in one outing!!!!
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Beauty first day. No pics while riding. Too into it.
What a neat thing: 140 different kinds of bike-touring rigs. …Outta the way ya fargin’ fargoes!
(A lady on the singletrack tried to pass us like 4 times. We let her pass every time but she kept crashing. Speed isn’t everything. Or, power isn’t the only part of speed. Skill comes in. Then she yelled at us.)
My loaded bike really dug the singletrack. It was steady with several episodes of airtime. I liked the solid slow handling. Actually very confident w the airtime.
Generally I’d say the road-like rigs got shaken up. I road near about a dozen of them. Unloaded they could skitter along but they really seemed to be underbiking. Like 25psi in a sweet 2.25″ light-tread was the cat’s meow.
These are lame pics that catch nothing of the party flavor.
…Thanks to Jerry for awesome pro bonfire guitar action!
And, really, it was neat to meet the ppl we were riding with in the afterhours portions. A hundred strangers can be scary but actually after you ride w folks it all loosens up.
The Westside Outlaw Bikers were impressive… they rolled as a posse and were noticeable by their bluetooth speaker. (Our teen has lost mine! My tunes woulda defeated theirs!!!)
My rasta rig got some props. For sure the oldest bike there. For sure the most repurposed bags.
My bags cost about $100 total (for 5 bags). 4 bags were mil-sup. I bet my gear weighed 10 lbs.
…What was nice after I got home was it was quick to put everything away! The thing about bikepacking is you don’t bring much. (My view.)
Radnord had a better tailbag: a 15L drybag clipped to his seatstays w a strap holding to seatpost — done.
Sat nite had rain. I stayed dry in my minima-bivvy. I had a yard of vizqueen guyed-out w string’n’stones over my head and gear. Worked great. Sunday was chill and damp: perfect. The dirt roads were tasty, w a bit of cream on top now and then.
What a way to welcome autumn! Day 1 was perfect bright and sunny solar-powered so you’d be hot in the sun but chilly elsewhere — the definition of autumn. Day 2 was drizzly w packed dirt roads, some slightly creamy — also perfect autumn. Two major faces of this season’s change.

Rainy Sunday — perfect

nice bike

rasta rig

Radnord’s weird larva bivvy from the 1970s…

party pets — pups was so cute, wrasslin w big dog all the time — both were chewing on each other for hours