Without Bikes We Wouldn’t Have No Cars
Here’s some inventions that first came to the world of cycling and were perfected there. Then were built into the cars that came along shortly thereafter or were limping alongside at the time.
(Reprinted from the “Bicycle Trader,” a fine new tabloid that looks poised to take the place of the left-to-rot “California Bicyclist” as accidently-best place to read bike culture. It’s really a bikes classified sheet, but it’s also really much more than that. $8/8 issues. BT, POB Ashland, OR 97520.)
shock absorber
drive shaft
differential gears
steel tubing
individually sprung wheel
pneumatic tire
wire wheel
paved roads (League of American Wheelmen provided primary push for safe roads in America)
ball and roller bearings (proving ground for)
cable-brake control (proving ground for)
an offtopic effect of cycling: women’s liberation