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What: Helzerfest! Group mtbike ride on dirt road, trails, portions of the Poto near Chelsea, MI. Groovy pace, no race. Afterward: BBQ, bonfire, music/guitars, cider, donuts… So, if you’re a rider or musician or just a local nut, come! Feel free to bring a dish to pass. Non-riders can show up at 6 — skip the ride, get the food and fun.
When: Oct 16, 3:30pm. Where: Gary Helzerman’s house on N side of Boyce just W of Roepke off of M52 a couple miles E of Stockbridge. A ranch with red roof barn. The house with cars with bikes on them. Home ph 734 498 2888.
UPDATE: FUN WAS HAD. Here are a few pics of the good time. Perfect weather. Cosmic colors. 15 riders. Lots of other folks showed for the HUGE bonfire.

Safety check at Old Friend, the beech.

Threadin’ our way along the singletrack.

Soakin’ the sun.

Shootin’ while ridin’. I was testing a new “stem pannier” (adapted mil-sup pouch) that I stashed my camera in. I had to get it out and put it back and clip the buckle one-handed, going fast. Humorous. Needless to say I didn’t catch any of our multi-drop descents.

Headin’ out on asphalt-smooth dirt road. Our route included several such sections.