What Happened to Valentines?

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When I was a kid I got really cute valentines. 60’s ones still had some art and style to them. My wife’s keepsakes from the 70’s are looking a little disco/TV, but she says some of them are nice.

What about valentines today? For our kids?


They don’t even make good ones anymore.

Compare and contrast the items below…

Pity the poor children.

I don’t think they even say “Be mine” anymore—they only express a noncommital sentiment for another day of spending.

Pity us all.

We have a few REALLY nice OLD valentines around here. Most have fold-outs and moving pieces. Great ink colors. Quality paper stock. Why not.

Today, computers would let anyone design a valentine with any kind of complexity, color, affect or art. There are jillions of paper and material stocks to create with. Die-cutting is an automated breeze—not handwork like back then. You COULD see better ones today and they’d cost less. But nooooo we have trashy ones for a trashy world. Oh well. Another casualty.

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