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On our St. Louis road trip this spring we stopped to visit the world famous STL Zoo, a free admission zoo located in the huge and lovely Forest Park. Man, STL has some dandy neighborhoods! Seems like a great southern-style town to live in, one which still has cold spells and 4-sason color and gives easy access to northern climes.
The Herpetarium caught our eye most of all at the Zoo. Now, we just did a quick visit, so I’m sure the rest is splendid, too. But after our quick initial survey via the very cute train (no longer deadly) we dove into the den of snakes. But, really, it was the BUILDING that told the best story…
Check it out…





Detail within.

Gaboons are gorgeous but my pic of this one didn’t ‘pop’ like the *velvety* color of his skin does in real life.

Dang! Neat pic, I daresay.

Garden within a garden.

Watching the lizards eat lunch. Mmmm, Reptile salad…
