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What are yours?
I’ve seen a few that seem pretty cool. Here are a couple:
Jill Homer’s: — friendly, cheery reports
Dave C’s: — hardcore, gear reviews, introspection, critique, philosophy.
Cjell Money: …The adventure-name of a guy who dirtbags around doing big cheap rides. He just finished a fine NoBo Tour Divide ride. High energy positivity!
[Then there’s a young couple who are living near Durango in a tent. Homeless. But still heading out all the time on various adventures. They blog about the choices involved in such. What’s their names?]
My idea of a cool adventure blog is one that’s big in scope but not big bux — no helicopters. Sure, most of those involved live in ways that are irrelevant to regular folks, but still there are touch-points in terms of attitude, imaginativeness, openness, sociability. I can relate on those levels. Indeed, I think I kinda live like they do but in my own situation which involves work, family, kids, no money, and no time. But there’s still a lot to be done locally and on a down-home scale.
Like how RadNord and Roger biked and bushcamped the NCT from Cadillac to the Bridge in 3 12-hour days and had a blast. Or how the MSU Outing Club canoed 160 miles from campus to Lk Mich one weekend.
But I just can’t really relate to Big Air. That kinda stuff just doesn’t say “sustainable” to me, especially since nearly all those involved get hurt real bad and many die. A lot of extreme adventure/events aren’t really sustainable either, but still. They’re different.
Somehow I like taking the adventure idea and bringing it into everyday life.
Like, I kinda treat our house like it’s a boat that won’t sink. Same with our vintage travel trailer. I’m not globetrotting because I’ve already arrived. Now what? That’s the big question.
Some of the better adventure bloggers seem to be asking it, too.

A pic from Dave C’s “Bedrock and Paradox” adventure blog… (It’s of Roman Dial, hero adventurer, turning back from an overly sketchy fording during the Alaska Classic event.)

Jill Homer’s blog header. She does lots of adventures and events with her friends and boyfriend and reports on them here cheerily and optimistically, despite occasional injuries, etc.

Cjell Money on the Divide ride.