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Well, we’ve been up north how long now? I can’t remember! I guess it’s been a week.
We’ve done two art fairs. Martha is having a great time selling her LazyGal fabric art goodies.
Our trailer life has been perfect so far. We arrived on Day One late at night in a crowded, quiet Petoskey State Park…and I backed the trailer into our site without help and without a glitch. Whew!
This park is on the beach and next to a perfect bike path into town. Farmer’s markets every which way. Great!
We were hosted and shown around by OYBer David Spieser and other friends.
We then moved to Sutton’s Bay for a couple days and parked at the industrial pole-barn workshop of an artist friend. …Which was also on a perfect bike path into town. Amazing.
(As a hospitality gratuity I fixed the bikes of all 4 in the artist family. It’s nice to be able to help folks so quickly and easily.)
Along the way between the two towns, friends of the family took us for an evening sail in Traverse City. Luckee!
We’ve been enjoying our bikes. And did a family canoe outing yesterday.
No sea-kayaking yet. But anyday now!
For the next few days we’ve joined up with another family at the Platte River Campground…near the river…and the beach. Perfect!
Now I need to get to the beach…
Brainstorming ideas so far… OYB-themed songs… “Mighty Rig,” “King of the Big Ring,” and “2-Track Fever.” Tune and lyrics, anyone?
…Buy a lodge and row of little cabins along a waterway near Traverse. Make a courtyard cafe. Gift shop. Used sporting goods shop. Classes and rentals… (I saw such a set-up near Cadillac a few years ago on M37. 500 feet of Little Manistee frontage with lodge and 5 cabins for $300k… Now to get a little closer to town.)
…Make an OYB booth box that attaches to a cargo bike/trike or drops into a minivan…
…Repurpose modern military surplus luggage (MOLLE-type) for bikes. Call the line “Re-Up.” Used mil-sup camo bags on bikes in the rackless style. Halfprice of the usual. Beating swords into plowshares…

Beach life!

A rest from splashing…

Outside the workshop…

Workshop camping… Splendid!

View from front…

Trailer life, interior…

Petoskey nightlife…