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Lucy fell in love with ice skating this winter. I took her and Henry and their friends to rinks a few times and to our friend’s backyard rink. We had snow on the ground most of the winter and it never occured to me to try skating on our big local lake.
Last week the snow melted then it got really cold for a couple days then it was forecasted to get warm again. I suddenly realized that there would be good ice on the lake but that we only had one morning. I asked the kids if they wanted to go skating before school. I had one taker. Lucy! So we went skating…it was great…a beautiful morning. Soon we had 50degF rains…
We saw fresh tracks of a coyote in the last snow along the shore, plus some weird tracks of maybe a kit fox…foxlike but tiny.
Here’s a little YouTube from the outing:

The ice was full of bubbles.

Old ice fishing holes freeze up in a cool way. Sometimes you can see that they froze with the water flowing in, sometimes flowing out.

Truant and frozen hole.

Oak leaf melts into lake.

Little ice-skating truant.