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We’ve been gone over a month but now we’re all home.
The grass is long.
I don’t know much more than that yet.
Martha has always wanted to live in a fieldstone house. She just found this:
Too bad it just got fixed up–that’s what we need to do to a place if we’re going to get one. We don’t need to be “staged” for. We can’t afford it! But $187k maybe isn’t so bad. Maybe we could rent it out when we’re not there — and then fix up Sue’n’Gary’s old trailer in their driveway for Plan B for when we ARE there.
It did feel pretty darn low and sad to be leaving the Up North yesterday. I never did get in a good sail in a little boat on heaving blue waves, like I need to do. I coulda yesterday. The breeze piped up as we were getting close to leaving but M was champing at the bit.
In summary, we had a lot of adventure up there. We moved our little trailer about 6 times. It did kinda seem like we never sat down much, not even to get much real work done. (I did keep up on email and customer relations most days, but no editing or coding.) M and I both got in about one session each of R&R, where I whittled on an osage cane for my uncle. Didn’t finish it yet. I suppose we need to get to the point where the kids can play on their own. They’re getting close. Gotta get so we can let em wander and bike to the beach on their own, etc. … 10 and 12 are ALMOST there. We DID get in a lot of swimming. But not so much just laying on the beach — it was that kind of pace. Well, we’re lucky to be able to have that kind of conundrum to work on ironing out!
We’re presently being serenaded home by a warm “southern”-style rainshower. Not a storm. A gentle thing. With some nice rumbles. What makes everything green and lush.
I just went and visited the berry patch in the back garden in the rain. Whew! It’s a jungle! It was weeded and wired when we left. Now it’s overgrown and the berries are 7 feet tall and drooping. But they’re laden with fruit. I’ll get in there and hack it all back and thin out the berries and add taller wires and we’ll be ready for the big fall bumper crop.
I tried a mix of double and single crop canes in half the rows this year. The first crop was a bust. We were gone but my dad visited and said things looked weird. I think I’ll go back to mowing them all down. These are “everbearing” berries which have 2 crops if you let em. If you cut them all back then there’s only one big fall crop.

Kitchen of stone house.

Stone house up north.