OK, we got the great fresh snow that we needed, so Tim and I are going to ski the rest of the West side of the Waterloo Trail this Saturday.
This is a gorgeous area of lakes’n’land.
We’ll start at the HQ on McClure Rd. at 9 a.m. and plan to end up at Big Portage Lake 5 hours later. Oh yeah!
Anyone who’s into it is free to join us. We’ll keep a fiesty pace. I suppose we’ll have a snack stop for 5 minutes every hour. It might be about 14 strenuous miles of hiking trail posing as ski trail. Bring, like, a half gallon of water and a couple pounds of food, dry hat and shirt in case. Pack is needed, not fanny pack. Wear 2 or 3 layers, bring windwear for stops. But you know all this: no one should come along unless they know what they’re doing for a half day going hard at 15F.
Email me ahead of time at jeff at outyourbackdoor dot com. Or heck call at 5173471689.
Fairly hi-rez map link: www.waterloopinckneytrail.org/
[UPDATE: Well, I broke a ski one-third of the way in. I scootered it back to the car. The scootering actually was darn fun out on a snowpacked dirt road I found. I realize we need to bring a repair kit out on these all-day tours. Can a broken ski be field-repaired? It was a GREAT day for skiing, though. We made it from Big Portage Lake to Sackrider Hill. And back. Photo below…]

The One That Got Away

The Route