When I came back from a couple-month bike-tour in Europe in the 80’s I was flying standby on People’s Express for, what was it?, $80 or so. I rode into the airport in Gatwick/UK in my touring attire, without knowing anything about the upcoming schedule: I’d had to wait over a day, camping in the airport, to get a flight over. I suddenly saw that a P.E. flight was leaving right then. A staffer told me to go for it, so I did. I had ridden my bike out of the airport when I had arrived (stashing box under some stairs), so I rode thru the airport again right up to the gate to catch that flight! I arrived just as they were closing the door. They said they had a seat and to get a move on. The lady there just took my bike as I got off it and said it would be fine (it was). I unclipped my 2 small rear panniers and my frontbag and just walked onto the plane with them as my carry-ons (I’m sure I had at least a Swiss Army Knife in there, plus maybe stove fuel). That was fun! I went from touring to being on the plane home in 10 minutes. I only had $40 and still had to get home from Newark to Lansing, MI, but that’s another story.
How I Once Rode Right Onto a Jet

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