What if Bush said to Ride/Walk short trips?

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George Bush likes bikes. Mt-bikes anyway. But who doesn’t like a bike? They’re mellow, benign things, hurt no one.

Would it hurt anyone if the Prez were to come out and say: “For those commutes and errands of a few miles or less, if all Americans were to walk or ride instead of driving their car, as long as you can find a nice, safe route, then we could be rid of our entire reliance on foreign oil, greatly improve our environment, and our nation would quickly become far healthier. Join with me, if you will! Now, biking is a skill like any, so anyone who isn’t skilled should take a class and they’ll find themselves quickly able to do these jaunts almost as fast as in a car and with better results in so many ways. After all, 80% of all car trips are 5 miles or less. And these are trips which are very easy to replace by foot or bike.”

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