Maybe: an OYB Trail Skiing Shop?

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I just got the big annual catalog for one of the major ski shops in the US.

…Two touring skis in it.

An infinite amount of racer-gear.

Maybe I could start a ski shop for everyday trail skiers? Sell all the kinds of gear that casual people might like? Non-athletes. I’m talking about gear that would work and look great in 90% of the snow terrain that’s out there. Much of it would also be fine on groomed trails.

I’m talking about accessories that regular everyday folk would find handy and fun.

Like, I didn’t see any spare touring baskets in the catalog. The only baskets they sold were tiny things suitable only for racers and packed trails. C’mon! Regular people break baskets ALL the time!

…And I didn’t see a Bota Bag in the catalog.

…Bring back the bota bag!

And all the clothing: Darth Vader would love to outfit his troopers in the attire in the catalog! It’s all for racers. Most of it is black and stretchy. C’mon. …I’d sell wool with colors. Even patterns. I’d find it somehow. Knickers even, why not! Everything would be slightly loose and have pockets. I’d sell narrow but capacious rucksacks suitable for day-skis and picnics. Heck, yeah!

I could make a ski shop for the rest of us.

Whattaya think?

I’d consider it for biking, too — but, really, versatile bike gear for casual riders who like typically beautiful non-race non-ad-based gear might be covered fairly well at this point. Still, I couldn’t find a single brass bell for sale in our town. Sure, every shop has cute bells that work fine, but c’mon. Still, every shop also offers beautiful versatile bikes. Biking is already catching on to Regular People, it seems.

I suppose my shop would be 95% online. If I were to attempt a brick’n’mortar scene… Hmmm… nobody sells canoes around here, do they? Maybe a boutique bike shop for Casual Enthusiasts. Bikes, boats, skis… cover all the seasons. With a similar worldview.

Art and first editions and hard to find media could fit into that. Plus nifty other versatile gear. …I’m already selling a fair bit along these lines.

I’ve thought of this kind of thing for my OYB Art/Craft Show Booth. Maybe I need to push it a bit further down the road to reality. Get it going first online and even in the house/yard. Then make a booth-trailer for it and take it on the road…

Gotta start with a dream… then build the foundation under it.

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